Lodge Timeline
1791: | Grand Lodge of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations instituted |
06/25/1804: | Dispensation granted to form a lodge |
10/12/1804: | First work done – First Worshipful Master: W. Moses Aldrich |
09/30/1805: | Duly Constituted as Mount Moriah No. 8 Separate votes are needed for each advancement and for membership. Fellowcraft were eligible for membership Lodge consecration was held at the Catholic Baptist Meeting House. The discourse was given by the Rev. John Pitman. Dinner was at the home of Whipple Lovell. Committee to thank Rev. Pitmann, J. Carlisle, and Thomas Smith Webb. |
1831: | Grand Lodge was paid $25 to defend Masonry in the State |
03/01/1834: | Grand Lodge was again paid $25 to defend at trial the anti-masonic memorial in the General Assembly. Proposed suspending the charter of the lodge to the General Assembly. |
04/1834: | The lodge charter was suspended |
1850-55: | Mt. Moriah No. 08’s Semicentennial (50 yr. Anniversary); The WM was Br. Daniel Mowry, P.M. |
11/1851: | Lodge sought to reincorporate. |
01/25/1905: | Reaffirmed to continue meeting in this lodge and are not looking elsewhere |
1853-55: | Sought each year to reincorporate as a lodge or as a library |
04/17/1863: | Lodge was advised that hereafter all business was to be done in the Master Mason’s Degree. |
05/29/1863: | The Charter was seized by the Grand Lodge of RI |
06/02/1863: | Lodge adopted a formal resolution of protest against the Grand Lodge’s actions |
09/01/1865: | A committee was formed to procure kerosene lamps to replace candles |
01/26/1866: | Mt. Moriah Corporation meeting voted that at the next regular meeting, steps to be taken to organize as a lodge. |
02/07/1866: | Lodge charter restored, suspended brothers restored. Brothers who were raised during suspension were given obligations of all three degrees. |
08/24/1866: | Authorized purchase of lower hall for $200 |
02/11/1870: | Balloting for advancement abolished |
03/03/1871: | Plans were made to enlarge the second floor to its current size |
06/02/1871: | Plans approved |
06/30/1871: | $800 was paid to enlarge the second floor. |
1889-91: | Rhode Island’s Masonic Centennial (100 yr. Anniversary); Mt. Moriah No. 08’s WM was Br. James Lee, P.M. |
06/24/1904: | Short business meeting commemorating 100 years of the lodge. A celebration was given in the rear building attended by the men of the lodge, members of Grand Lodge, and the “Shuman Wade Quartet” (also masons). |
1903-04: | Mt. Moriah No. 08’s Centennial (100 yr. Anniversary); The WM was Br. Arnold Angell, P.M. |
1906-07: | The WM Term of the First MWGM (MW:. Br. Wilbur Scott, P.M.) to come from Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 08. |
1953-54: | Mt. Moriah No. 08’s Sesquicentennial (150 yr. Anniversary); The WM was Br. Lester D. Kay, P.M. |
1990-91: | Rhode Island’s Masonic Bicentennial (200 yr. Anniversary); Mt. Moriah No. 08’s WM was Br. Stephen Langley, P.M. |
2003-04: | Mt. Moriah No. 08’s Bicentennial (200 yr. Anniversary); The WM was Br. Roger N. Lepire, P.M. |
2007-08: | The WM Term of the Second MWGM (MW:. Br. Robert B. Ellston, P.M.) to come from Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 08. |
11/11/2016: | Elected W. Rowan A. Gottschalk, at the age of 23, as Worshipful Master. W:. Gottschalk became the youngest Worshipful Master in the History of the Lodge, as well as the History of the State of Rhode Island. |
03/28/2020: | The COVID-19 Pandemic had ravaged the globe and made its way to Rhode Island. MWGMs Kenneth Poyton and Gary Kaufman, to the best of their ability, while working within State and Federal guidelines issued by the CDC, led us through this dark and dangerous time. The top three 2019-2020 officers, (WM Br. Matthew Cerullo, P.M., SW Br. J. Ryan McNelis, and JW Br. Rowan Gottschalk, P.M.) all retained their stations through the 2020-2021 term to help ensure a more solidified officer line coming out of this global health crisis. |
05/17/2021: | Most Worshipful Robert B. Ellston, the second Past Master from Mt. Moriah, had made his ascent into the Grand East as our 166th Most Worshipful Grand Master for the Grand Lodge of the most Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons for the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. In attendance for the ceremonies on that morning were a number of Brothers, Officers, and Past Masters of Mt. Moriah Lodge to show their support for an incredibly worthy and well-qualified brother. One of MW:. Ellston’s first decree, in accordance with the then-current CDC guidelines, was to open Lodges back to full working order (with the restriction of protective face masks to still be worn by brothers who haven’t received their COVID-19 vaccinations). Knowing this, the brothers of Mt. Moriah began to work hard to support their Grand Master however they possibly can. |