First, I’d like to start by saying congratulations and well done to the Past Masters of Mt. Moriah No. 8, for putting on a stellar Entered Apprentice Degree. When I was initiated into the craft it was also on a Past Master’s Night and It’s a memory I’ve come to treasure as it is something unique to our little country lodge. I also want to recognize our line officers for the excellent job they did with their lectures, I heard countless compliments from those on the sidelines. What a great night full of great ritual and one that our newest Entered Apprentice will never forget. Thank you again to W. Jack Birchell, PM for putting together our PM Line this year and an extra-special thank you to W. Joe Renning, PM, who served as Master for the degree. W. Joe was the Worshipful Master of Mt. Moriah 10 years ago and I’m glad he came out of retirement for the degree, he did a great job!
February is going to be a great month; first up we have one of my favorite Mt. Moriah events, the Annual Steamer Party on Saturday, February 1, 2020. I hope to see you all there for a nice summer treat in this cold cold winter weather! Following this event will be our next Regular Communication on February 7th, 2020. It is R.W. Rick Baccus, DDGM for the Northern District’s official visitation and I’d love to have a good showing for him, both from our Mt. Moriah Brethren in the lodge and also from our visiting brethren, let’s give R.W. Baccus, the large and distinguished suite he deserves!
I hope everyone is also ready for our next two events that are coming up in March. We have our Annual Corned Beef & Cabbage dinner (followed by the very popular attic auction) on March 14, 2020, followed by a new addition this year of an Easter Egg Hunt at Mt. Moriah on March 21, 2020. This event will be an afternoon event for families within the lodge to enjoy, more details will be available soon. Mark your calendars for both events, it’s going to be a great Spring at Mt. Moriah!